Sunday, August 31, 2014

I Dream A Lot

(Human)Life is one of the most amazing thing in the universe. People eat, drink, walk, play sleep etc.. throughout their life. I think every human on earth at least saw a one dream in their life. Not the usual dreams that we saw when we fall a sleep. But the dreams that make us motivates to do something in life. The natural thing is people have dreams and they are just a dreams.
It is very hard to find people who work to achieve or to make their dreams come true. No dream will come true automatically. Each one of us have the courage to pursuit our dreams. All dreams may never come true. But at least we should give a try.

If you are really passionate about programming (of course there are programmers who do it just for money) you may get various crazy ideas. I think that is normal. We always dreams about lot of crazy new stuffs. Some of my crazy ideas are
1. Build a system like in Person of Interest
2. Build an AI like Virgil (Crash Zone)
3. Develop a new programming language

First and second dreams are closely related with AI, image processing, computer vision like stuffs. But when it comes to the third point it is like how to think out of the box. There exist thousands of programming languages which various people have developed for various purposes. Java, C#, VB, PASCAL, PHP etc... most of the languages are designed with some specific requirements.

[Under construction]